Armpit Fat Reduction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Armpit Fat Reduction Zarrabi Plastic Surgery, Dr. Michael Zarrabi

Armpit fat reduction, also known as axillary liposuction, is a procedure that removes fat from the underarm area in order to address bulging. (1) This can be caused by the development of axillary breast tissue, or breast tissue that has formed underneath the arms instead of the breast, sometimes known as “bra bulges”. This condition affects around 6% of women and 3% of men. (1) Because it may be made up of glandular tissue, it can also be affected by hormone levels and cause irritation for the patient, resulting in both discomfort and cosmetic dissatisfaction.

The underarm area is often difficult to address with exercise alone, which can understandably contribute to the frustration for the patient. However, this fatty tissue can be removed surgically, with liposuction and sometimes excision. The removal of armpit fat may involve removing some sweat glands, so armpit fat reduction can also help people who experience excess sweating.

At Zarrabi Plastic Surgery, Dr. Michael Zarrabi is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who offers liposuction for armpit fat reduction. If you are interested in an armpit fat reduction procedure, give us a call at our Beverly Hills or Santa Monica office at (310) 584-9990 or fill out our contact form. We also offer virtual consultations for your convenience.

About Armpit Fat Reduction

Bulging armpit areas can be caused by ectopic tissue, which is tissue that forms outside of where it is supposed to. (2) This type of armpit fat can be frustratingly resistant to typical weight loss efforts, affecting a person’s confidence and resulting in discomfort when wearing certain types of clothing. At Zarrabi Plastic Surgery, we can address this excess tissue with liposuction. In some cases, liposuction can be combined with excision, or the removal of excess tissue. The result will be a smoother, firmer, more comfortable underarm area.


Liposuction is a body contouring procedure during which surgeons use a small tube called a cannula to suction out stubborn fat from targeted areas. While liposuction can permanently remove bulging fat present in the underarm area, it is not a weight loss procedure but is instead meant to shape areas of the body to provide a more pleasing contour. (3) Combining liposuction with excision allows Dr. Zarrabi to remove excess skin that may result after armpit fat removal. (1)

Benefits of Armpit Fat Removal

Armpit fat reduction has both cosmetic and functional benefits for patients who have excess underarm tissue:

  • Reduces the size of underarm fat rolls or bulges
  • Defines and balances upper body contour
  • Alleviates discomfort from chafing caused by excess tissue in the area
  • Clothes look and feel better
  • Increases confidence and positive body image


If you have bulging skin underneath your arms, you are most likely a good candidate for armpit fat reduction. Ideal candidates:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Are non-smokers
  • Are at a stable weight
  • Have substantial excess fat that is unresponsive to exercise and dieting
  • Have good skin elasticity
  • Have realistic expectations

Personal Consultation

At your personal consultation, the team at Zarrabi Plastic Surgery will evaluate the skin and fat of your underarm area. After discussing your specific aesthetic goals, we will create a plan for how to move forward with your armpit fat reduction treatment. We will discuss this plan at length with you and make sure you feel comfortable and confident moving forward with the procedure.

To begin the first steps toward your armpit fat reduction procedure, please schedule a personal consultation at either our Beverly Hills or Santa Monica office by calling (310) 584-9990 or filling out our contact form. You can also indicate if you would prefer a virtual consultation.


Dr. Zarrabi will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for the armpit fat reduction procedure. Some basic actions include:

  • Stopping smoking and using nicotine products: Dr. Zarrabi will recommend that you stop smoking and using nicotine products a few weeks before your appointment date. This is because nicotine can affect the body’s ability to heal.
  • Adjusting your medications: Dr. Zarrabi may ask you to stop or start certain medications and supplements before the procedure. Some medications and supplements have blood thinning properties that can cause excessive bleeding during the procedure.
  • Eating healthily: Eating a nutritious diet can also help your body carry out its healing functions.
  • Planning ahead: You will require time off from work and other responsibilities so that you can focus on recovery. Ask a friend or family member to drive you home and help you after the procedure. You can also plan to stock your residence with essential groceries and supplies and put everything that you will need within easy reach.
  • Sharing your thoughts: It is important to let Dr. Zarrabi know if you have any questions or concerns throughout the armpit fat reduction process. If there are any new developments with your health or skin, please reach out to our office so that we can make any necessary adjustments.


Armpit Fat Reduction Zarrabi Plastic Surgery, Dr. Michael Zarrabi

Dr. Zarrabi begins by marking out the underarm areas for tissue removal. (2) After our team administers the necessary anesthesia, Dr. Zarrabi will infiltrate the tissue with a special tumescent fluid which will swell the fat cells and further numb the treatment area. Then, using a thin metal tube called a cannula, he will suction out choice amounts of fat from the underarm bulges. Underarm liposuction can often be combined with excision if needed. During excision, Dr. Zarrabi will trim the excess skin that may have resulted from the fat removal. (2) Once liposuction and excision are complete, Dr. Zarrabi will close the incisions with sutures and apply any necessary bandages. The surgery will most likely be about 1 hour long, depending on the patient and the extent of the procedure.


During your recovery, you may experience some soreness and swelling in the treated areas. You will need to rest and refrain from any heavy lifting or undue exertion for a few weeks, or as long as Dr. Zarrabi recommends for your personal situation. Every patient heals differently and the recovery time will reflect that. There will be a series of return visits during which we will help you along the healing process by removing bandages and discussing the next steps of care. (2)


As a result of armpit fat reduction, the axillary region will appear smoother and make for a more seamless transition into the nearby breast tissue. Patients who undergo any type of armpit fat reduction often report feeling more confident when wearing clothes that expose their underarms, as well as feeling less discomfort in the area.

Overall, an armpit fat reduction treatment can improve the quality of life of a patient who experiences excess tissue in this area. Results are essentially permanent, as the fat cells removed during liposuction will not regenerate, but results can be altered if a patient were to undergo significant weight changes. Maintaining a stable weight can help prolong the results, as well as exercising and eating a healthy diet.

Cost of Armpit Fat Reduction in Los Angeles

The cost of armpit fat reduction will depend on the extent of your treatment plan. The first step is to attend a personal consultation where the team at Zarrabi Plastic Surgery can evaluate your needs and come up with a treatment plan. To schedule a consultation, call our Beverly Hills or Santa Monica office at (310) 584-9990 or fill out our contact form today. We offer the option of financing for our patients for budgeting convenience.

Read Dr. Zarrabi’s blog for more information about our services.


What causes fat accumulation in the armpit area?

Fat accumulation in the axillary region can occur due to genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, and weight fluctuations.

Does armpit fat reduction help with excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, is a bothersome condition that causes unnecessary wetness under the arms. An armpit fat reduction can help with excessive sweating, as the fat removal will also remove some sweat glands in the armpit. This can help people who suffer from overactive sweat glands, and allow their underarms to remain more dry throughout the day.

Will an armpit fat reduction reduce the fat in my arm as well?

While an armpit fat reduction focuses mainly on the pocket of fat near the armpit, an arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, can serve the rest of the arm. An arm lift is a surgical procedure that can remove hanging skin from the upper half of the arm. Like armpit fat reduction, an arm lift can help clothes fit more comfortably and reduce chafing.


  1. Kurtzman JS, Pinkasovic E, Preminger BA. Treatment Options for the Clinical Management of Axillary Breast Tissue. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2023;11(8):e5189. doi:
  2. Tanna N, Barnett S, Aiello C, Boehm LM, M. Bradley Calobrace. Redefining the Axillary Aesthetic: Surgical Management of Axillary Tissue Hypertrophy. Medicina. 2024;60(1):126-126. doi:
  3. Bartow MJ, Raggio BS. Liposuction. PubMed. Published 2022.