Breast Implant Removal
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

You may have been excited to enhance your appearance and confidence when you decided to undergo a breast augmentation with implants. It was a time when you were ready to experience the increased fullness and size in an effort to create the aesthetic you were looking for. Going into surgery, you probably weren’t thinking about the future of your implants, past what your surgeon may have discussed with you regarding 10-year replacement or surgery if you experience a rupture.
With this said, breast implants are not designed to last forever. Your decision to get breast implants was not done in vain, but now you are reconsidering moving forward in life with your implants in tow. Some women decide that they are no longer in love with their implants as they once were and opt to have them removed.
If you are considering an explant procedure (breast implant removal), board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Zarrabi, will take your end goal and create the aesthetic you want – leaving you with a look you can enjoy for many years to come!

Breast implant removal, or explant, is a surgical procedure where your existing breast implants will be removed from the breast pocket. The explant could be as textbook as they come where Dr. Zarrabi would utilize the existing scars to make new incisions to remove the implants from the breast pocket. On the other hand, breast implant removal can have its complications depending on your specific case, and require a variety of interventions.
In a nutshell, breast implant removal is exactly as it sounds: the breast implant will be removed from your body during surgery.
Patients report many benefits to removing their implants.
- More natural-looking silhouette.
- Less health issues and physical symptoms.
- Ability to engage in a more active lifestyle.
- Increased self-esteem.
- No need for maintenance surgeries.
- More accurate mammogram readings.
Candidates for breast implant removal surgery are generally healthy individuals who may or may not be experiencing complications from their implants. If you are considering a breast implant removal surgery, it may be because you have experienced some of the following:
- Significant increase or decrease in weight, and your breasts no longer suit your body.
- A desire to have a larger or smaller bust.
- Pain in your chest, neck, shoulders, or back.
- Changes in your health.
- Breast implant rupture and/or deflation.
If you are ready to discuss how a breast implant removal can help you regain confidence in yourself, reduce discomfort, and give you the look you have been seeking, contact Dr. Zarrabi today to schedule a consultation!
Why would I consider breast implant removal?
There are many reasons women consider or decide to have their implants removed.
Implant Age
Typically, implants are to be removed/replaced about every 10-20 years. This rough recommendation takes into account advances in technology, possibility of ruptures, and development of toughened scar tissue in the breast, among a number of other considerations.

Humans have a right to change their minds at any given moment. The implants you once were overjoyed to have, now just aren’t doing it for you. Maybe you want to go a size bigger or smaller. It is quite possible that you just don’t like having the breast implants any longer. Maybe you are experiencing rippling or protrusion of the implants that is appearing on the surface of the skin. You do not have to live dissatisfied with your breast implants so removing them is definitely an option for you.
Over time, you may notice that your breasts feel uncomfortable long after a breast augmentation. It may be a case of having implants that are too large for your anatomy. The excess weight of the implants may cause you chest, neck, shoulder, and/or back pain.
Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is the scar tissue that forms around the implant while it is in the breast pocket. This scar tissue encloses the implant and is a natural part of the healing process following breast augmentation. In some cases, the capsule becomes hardened and can tighten (contract) around the implant, causing distortion of the breast. The only way to remedy this would be to physically remove the implant and capsule.
Leakage and Deflation
Rupture of breast implants are a reason to have implants removed. In saline implants, ruptures may be noticeable. The saline solution (saltwater) that fills these types of implants leave the shell and is absorbed by the body with no complications. The silicone shell of the implant deflates and is left in the breast pocket, providing the patient with an asymmetrical appearance to the breasts. With silicone breast implants, a “silent rupture” may occur. With this type of rupture, the gel-like silicone substance within the silicone shell of the implant leaks out into the breast pocket. The gel is not absorbed by the body, so this rupture is not immediately noticeable.
Breast Implant Illness (BII)
Breast Implant Illness is not a formal medical diagnosis.1 Rather, it appears to be a syndrome related to having breast implants in the body. Patients reporting Breast Implant Illness are identified as having a number of various symptoms including, but are not limited to, fatigue, rash, hair loss, headaches, anxiety, depression, and hormonal issues that may seem to exacerbate after getting breast implants, regardless of type (silicone or saline; textured or smooth). It is important to note that symptoms commonly attributed to BII are regularly found in the general public, including those who have never received breast implants.

Prior research has not shown any direct causation between breast implants and systemic illnesses. If you feel your implants are making you sick, Dr. Zarrabi is here to listen to your concerns and remove your implants en bloc, if necessary. Each patient experiencing any systemic symptoms will be provided with examination, plan of action moving forward, and/or appropriate referrals for care.
En Bloc Capsulectomy
Ideally, when you are looking to have a breast implant removal, your surgeon will be able to do an en bloc capsulectomy.2 An en bloc capsulectomy removes the scar tissue surrounding the breast implant and the implant in one “package.” Ideally, the implant is still contained in the capsule during the explant surgery. This reduces the chance of contaminating the breast pocket with bacteria or the contents of the breast implant.
Dr. Zarrabi’s attention to detail and his incredible skill will prove to be beneficial when seeking an en bloc capsulectomy. If you have concerns regarding your health in relation to your breast implants, contact Dr. Zarrabi today to discuss how explant surgery can help you reclaim your health!
During a consultation with Dr. Zarrabi, you will discuss your concerns and goals regarding why you are looking to have your breast implants removed. Dr. Zarrabi will have you discuss your medical and health history and do a physical examination of your breasts, including current scar placement. Taking into consideration what you would like to achieve, Dr. Zarrabi will provide you with details of the surgery, including suggesting any additional procedures that will provide you with your ideal results.
Your breast implant removal surgery will begin with Dr. Zarrabi marking where he will make the incisions to remove the implant. Usually, his markings will be based on any existing scars to minimize the appearance of scarring. You will be administered a general anesthesia to make you comfortable during the explant surgery. From there, Dr. Zarrabi will follow the pre-surgery markings to make incisions in your breasts to remove the implants and capsules, en bloc.
Recovery from an explant procedure has been reported to be similar to recovering after a breast augmentation. You will experience some soreness or bruising after surgery. These symptoms can be expected to gradually subside in the first couple of weeks following breast implant removal. You can return to work after a week and can engage in more strenuous activities after about 6 weeks. You will meet with Dr. Zarrabi for a post-op follow-up appointment to gauge how you are healing.
Complementary Procedures
Explant surgery does not have to come alone. Many women consider other procedures in addition to breast implant removal surgery to produce the best result for themselves.
Breast Lift

A breast lift can be performed following breast implant removal. There may be noticeable laxity in the breast after removing implants. To correct the sagging that may come along with this, a breast lift may be an excellent option to regain some of the volume and shape of the breast following explant.
Breast Implant Replacement

You may not want to get rid of breast implants entirely. Explant procedures are a part of a breast implant replacement. So, if you are looking for a different size, texture, type, or shape of your implants, they can be replaced during breast implant removal surgery.
Fat Transfer to Breasts

Fat transfer may be an ideal solution for you if you are seeking to maintain volume following removal of your breast implants, but do not desire to replace the implants. By taking fat from donor sites on your body and injecting it into the breasts, you can have a supple breast profile after explant.
Contact Dr. Zarrabi today to learn more about complementary procedures to help augment your breast implant removal!
Additional Resources
- Breast Implant Illness – Frequently Asked Questions/Talking Points. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- Finding a plastic Surgeon to Remove your Implants. (n.d.). Retrieved from