Facial Feminization Surgery

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Facial feminization is a set of surgeries designed to alter facial features, creating a more feminine appearance. These procedures soften and refine masculine facial characteristics, resulting in a more delicate, feminine, and youthful look. Facial feminization includes specialized techniques such as rhinoplasty, mandibular contouring, brow lift, and chin reduction. The right combination of procedures, tailored to your goals, can provide a comprehensive transformation.

At Zarrabi Plastic Surgery, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality care and the most effective facial feminization techniques. If you are considering gender affirming facial feminization surgery, schedule a consultation in Beverly Hills or Santa Monica by calling (310) 584-9990 or completing an inquiry form online.

About Facial Feminization Surgery

Facial feminization surgery, sometimes known as facial gender confirmation surgery, achieves feminization of more masculine features by incorporating aesthetic and craniofacial surgical principles and techniques. (1) It entails subtle but essential modifications of the facial structure to help patients reach their desired aesthetic goals.

The surgery normally entails the following: 

  • Creating a lower, rounder hairline
  • Decreasing the bony projection of the forehead and brow to create a rounder softer form
  • Lifting and arching the brows 
  • Rhinoplasty or nose job, usually to decrease the bony structure of the nose and to rotate and refine the cartilage tip. 
  • Shaving the jawbone for a less prominent, rounder softer form 
  • Chin reduction or augmentation depending on patient needs 
  • Fat grafting to the cheeks and the lips to augment the cheekbones and increase lip volume 

Is Facial Feminization Surgery Right for Me?

Facial feminization procedures can alleviate gender dysphoria and significantly improve a patient’s overall quality of life. (2) However, the choice to  undergo the treatment is a personal one. Only you have the ability to decide how you present yourself to the world. After facial feminization, many patients are able to realize their goals with increased confidence and to face the world with renewed pride in their appearance.


Candidates for facial feminization are patients with a diagnosed gender incongruence (3) who have a deep desire to enhance their facial features to look more feminine. This may include individuals who have undergone hormone therapy but still have masculine facial characteristics. Additionally, the ideal candidate should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations, and be a non-smoker.

To book your personal consultation, call (310) 584-9990 or complete an inquiry form online.

Personal Consultation

Before facial feminization surgery, it’s essential to meet with your surgeon to discuss the areas of your face you would like to change. The surgeon will evaluate your facial structure and listen to your goals and concerns before creating a personalized surgical plan tailored to your unique needs.


Prior to surgery, patients require a letter of clearance and may need to stop hormone therapy depending upon the surgical plan. Other preparatory measure may include the following:

  • Discontinuing blood thinners or medications that could interfere with surgery
  • Stop smoking and avoid nicotine products for at least six weeks before and after the surgery.
  • Fill prescriptions for pain medication and antibiotics ahead of time.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and stay with you for the first few days.
  • Plan to take some time off from work and social activities to rest and recover.


The specific procedures involved in facial feminization will vary depending on each individual’s unique needs and goals. The surgical plan may include brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, jaw contouring, and lip augmentation. In some cases, rhinoplasty may be done as an independent procedure at a later time.

During the surgery, incisions are made in inconspicuous locations to minimize scarring. The surgeon carefully reshapes and repositions the underlying bone and tissue to create a more feminine facial structure. Techniques like softening facial angles, enhancing the cheeks, and raising the eyebrows are used to achieve the desired result.

We understand that this is an important step in your gender affirmation journey, and we strive to provide compassionate care throughout the process. Our team at Zarrabi Plastic Surgery is committed to helping you achieve the look that best reflects your true self.

Recovery & Results

If multiple procedures are performed in a single session, the surgery typically lasts between 8-10 hours. Depending on the length of the surgery and the patient’s health, they may either go home to recover or stay overnight for observation. Patients are seen the morning after surgery and again one week later for suture removal. Once your recovery is complete, you will be able to enjoy the aesthetic benefits of your surgery.

Cost of Facial Feminization Surgery in Beverly Hills

We understand that the cost of facial feminization surgery is a significant factor to consider when deciding on undergoing the procedure. During your consultation, you will receive a personalized estimate for the total cost of your surgery. Financing options are available to help make the procedure more affordable, and our team can assist in developing a payment plan that suits your budget.

At Zarrabi Plastic Surgery, we are committed to diversity and inclusion, providing patients from all backgrounds with high-quality care and effective results. If you are considering facial feminization surgery, schedule a consultation by calling (310) 584-9990 or completing an online form.

Find out more about aesthetic procedures at Zarrabi Plastic Surgery by liking and following us on Instagram.


What is facial feminization surgery?

Facial feminization surgery is a procedure designed to help transgender women or gender non-conforming individuals who want to appear more feminine. The surgery typically involves procedures to reshape the forehead, nose, chin, jawline, and hairline to create a more feminine appearance.

Who can benefit from facial feminization surgery?

Facial feminization surgery can benefit anyone who wants to achieve a more feminine facial appearance. This may include transgender women, cisgender women who may have masculine facial features, and anyone who wants to look more feminine.

What procedures are included in facial feminization surgery?

The procedures included in facial feminization surgery depend on each patient’s unique needs and goals. Some common procedures include rhinoplasty, brow lift, cheek augmentation, jaw contouring, lip lift, and chin reduction.

What is the recovery time for facial feminization surgery?

The recovery time for facial feminization surgery varies depending on the procedures performed. Generally, patients can expect to take about two weeks off from work or other daily activities. It may take several months to see the full results of the surgery.

Will I be able to afford facial feminization surgery?

Most surgery centers offer financing options to make facial feminization surgery affordable. In some cases, a percentage of facial feminization costs may be covered by insurance.

How do I know if facial feminization surgery is right for me?

Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, and the surgeon will evaluate your facial features to determine if the procedure is suitable for you.


  1. Dang BN, Hu AC, Bertrand AA, et al. Evaluation and treatment of facial feminization surgery: part I. forehead, orbits, eyebrows, eyes, and nose. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2021;48(5):503-510. doi:https://doi.org/10.5999/aps.2021.00199 
  2. Chaya BF, Berman ZP, Boczar D, et al. Current Trends in Facial Feminization Surgery: An Assessment of Safety and Style. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2021;32(7):2366-2369. doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/SCS.0000000000007785
  3. Telang PS. Facial Feminization Surgery: A Review of 220 Consecutive Patients. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2020;53(02):244-253. doi:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1716440